..Baked some Oatmeal & Raisin Cookies! :)
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Predictions: Azores
I wish I could say 2013 would be the year of "love" and "peace," but unfortunately these will be used to provide a cover story for hatred, destruction and war. More people will lose their jobs. Employers will continue slashing job positions and job hours. Welfare families will grow, and the ultimate goal is to make more people entirely dependent on the government so that they will continue to vote for whichever candidates promise the most aggressive expansion of collectivist government. At some point in all this, riots will break out. This could be triggered by any number of things: financial crash, food shortages, etc. You can fully expect 2013 to be another year of radical weather around the globe. Expect yet more food shortages to occur as crops fail due to floods, droughts and freezes. Speaking of weather, solar weather will also take a turn toward the extreme. The sun is entering a high-activity phase of its cycle, and this could play havoc with satellites and even the power grid. No matter what happens in 2013 - 2015, you will be told that the answer is to have bigger government controlling more of your money and your life. The only reason we have problems today, we're told, is because government doesn't yet have enough control. If we would only give up our paychecks, our jobs, our private property, our rights and our freedoms, government will "provide" for everyone! The more aggressive, abuse and outrageous the government becomes, the more easily resistance groups will be able to recruit members. This is just an historical fact. In times of peace and fairness, there is little or no resistance. But in times of government oppression and tyranny, resistance grows quickly (ex: April 25th.)
It´s your choice if you wish to continue frolicking in the land of TV delusions, fake news and celebrity gossip. These are the darkest real-world predictions I've ever published, and they are not things I ever wish to see come true. But I can't deny the reality of where things are headed. If we project present-day trends into 2013, 2014 and 2015, the picture becomes a multi-front nightmare.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/038512_2013_predictions_insanity.html#ixzz2Gp5wjoqZ
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