Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Just out of the oven...
Christmas Fruit-Cakes!
Easy recipe too!:
Serves: 30
- 600g mixed fruit;
- 600 mls chocolate milk;
- 1 and 1/2 cups self raising flour;
- 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder;
- 1/2 cup of brown sugar;
- 3 or 4 tablespoons of various fruit liquors!
Preparation method
Prep: 8
hours | Cook: 20 minutes! |
Soak the mixed fruit in the chocolate
milk, brown sugar, and liquors overnight in the fridge.
Preheat oven to lowest temperature.
Sift the flour into the soaked fruit slowly mixing in well. Pour the mixture into the
prepared cupcaked forms until full and cook for 20 minutes. Insert a toothpick into the centre of the cake and if it comes out clean the cupcakes are
done! :)
Sprinkle some confectionate sugar on top for a snowy effect and vuolá! ;)
Easy-breezy! And no eggs too! Cupcakes taste delicious and moist with all the wonderfull fruits! :)
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Monday, December 3, 2012
Substâncias activas toxicas na nossa água
Water: vital to the existence of life on Earth, is now
killing all life on Earth. The culprit of course being: humans, that are
poisoning their own water supplies.
assim, o ciclo vicioso continua, com os mesmos culpados de sempre: Empresas
de produção de herbicidas --- distribuição para agricultores, na
maioria das vezes apoiados pelo governo.
alguns dos factos:
is it?
Under normal conditions, Linuron is found as white crystals,
flakes or powder, which have no smell. It melts at 93 degrees celsius.
Linuron is only very slightly soluble in water and has variable solubility in
different types of organic (carbon-containing) solvents.
What is it used for?
Linuron is used as a herbicide, applied to soils
before plants emerge and also to soils around growing crops. It is used
mainly to control grasses and other weeds amongst cereal crops and
Where does it come from?
Linuron is released to the environment mainly during
its application as a herbicide. It may also be released during its
manufacture, transport and storage. There are not thought to be any natural
sources of Linuron to the environment.
How might it affect the
Linuron is
known to be very toxic to aquatic organisms and exposure to high levels is
thought likely to harm other wildlife as well. There is concern that Linuron
may mimic the behaviour of animals hormones, that it is an "endocrine
disruptor". Linuron binds strongly to soils and is naturally broken down
within 3-4 months. A relatively small amount enters water bodies as a result
of run-off or accidental spills. This binds strongly to sediments, where it
is broken down in a similar manner to its degradation in soils. Linuron can
enter the atmosphere by evaporation or when it is sprayed onto crops. It is broken down in air within a matter of days.
It is not considered likely that Linuron pollution has any effects on the
global environment.
How might exposure to it affect
human health?
Linuron can enter the body either by ingestion of
contaminated food or water, or by dermal contact with linuron. Ingestion of linuron may cause
nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Dermal contact with linuron can cause skin
irritation. Eye contact can cause irritation. There is little evidence
available as to the effects of exposure to linuron on human health. The
International Agency for Research on Cancer has not designated linuron in
terms of its carcinogenicity. However, exposure to linuron at normal
background levels is unlikely to have any adverse effect on human health”
“In a subchronic toxicity study using rats, terbuthylazine caused
decreased body weight gain as well as decreased thymic, kidney and liver
weights. A study using rabbits resulted in decreased body weight gain
food consumption, and mortality in one female. In another rabbit study, all
the animals developed difficulty
in breathing, piloerection, sedation, curved
body posture, dermal irritation,
and decreased body weight gain and food
In chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity studies using mice and rats,
decreases in body weight gain and food consumption were observed. Two
studies using mice and rats caused no increase in tumors. However, a
study using rats caused an
increased incidence of testicular tumors in males
and mammary gland carcinomas in
females, but only at a dose at which
excessive systemic toxicity also was observed. Based on this study,
Carcinogenicity Peer Review Committee has classified terbuthylazine as a
Group D carcinogen--one for which there is inadequate evidence to
determine carcinogenicity in humans.”
How can we allow this to be happening right under our
não sei o que beber!
Water Privatization... Next will probably be air, "clean" air...
"In her book Water
Wars, the Indian author Vandana Shiva lists nine principles underpinning
water democracy. At least two of these principles are directly compromised by
the privatization of water. Point number four states that “Water must be free
for sustenance needs. Since nature gives water to us free of cost, buying and
selling it for profit violates our inherent right to nature's gift and denies
the poor of their human rights.” When private companies try to make large
profits through high water prices, it denies the poor the inalienable right to
the most necessary substance for life. Inaccordance with this fact,
point number seven states, “Water is a commons. . . It cannot be owned as
private property and sold as a commodity.” How can one justify claiming water as
their own through contractual agreement while letting another human being go
thirsty? Water is a commons because it is the basis of all life. Water rights
are natural rights and thus are usufructuary rights, meaning that water can be
used, but not owned. As far fetched as water ownership may seem, it is happening
at an increasing rate around the globe."
"Currently there is a rush to privatize water services around the world. The
World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) are pushing for the
privatization of water services by European and U.S.-based companies. They are
pushing privatization through stipulations in trade agreements and loan
conditions to developing countries. These privatization programs started in the
early 1990’s and have since emerged in India, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina,
Nigeria, Mexico, Malaysia, Australia, and the Philippines, to name a few. In
Chile, the World Bank imposed a loan condition to guarantee a 33 percent profit
margin to the French company Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux while the company insisted
on a margin of 35 percent."
"This privatization of services is only the first step toward the privatization of all aspects of water. Through this new globalization and privatization of water resources, there is an effort to replace collective ownership of water sources with corporate control. This effort is being met with increasing opposition. Supporters of privatization say that it has a great track record of success, increasing the efficiency, quality, reliability and affordability of services to the population."
"Yet the industry has a track record of hazards and failures. For example, private companies most often violate standards of operation, and engage in price fixing without many consequences. This leads to water stress among the poor populations of these areas, causing people to drink water that is often very contaminated and hazardous to their health (even though case studies have shown that privatized water can be very contaminated as well)."
Rising Prices and Deteriorating
Water Quality
Australia -
In 1998, the water in Sydney, was contaminated with high levels of
giardia and cryptosporidium shortly after its water was overtaken by Suez
Lyonnaise des Eaux.
Canada - At least seven people died as a result of E. coli bacteria in Walkerton, Ontario, after water testing had been privatized by A&L Labs. The company treated the test results as "confidential intellectual property" and did not make them public.
Morocco - Consumers saw the price of water increase threefold after the water service was privatized in Casablanca.
Argentina - When a Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux subsidiary purchased the state-run water company Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion, water rates doubled but water quality deteriorated. The company was forced to leave the country when residents refused to pay their bills.
Britain - Water and sewage bills increased 67 percent between 1989 and 1995. The rate at which people's services were disconnected rose by 177 percent.
New Zealand - Citizens took to the streets to protest the commercialization of water.
South Africa - Water became inaccessible, unaffordable, and unsafe after the water supply was privatized by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux in Johannesburg. Cholera infections became widespread and thousands of people were disconnected from their supply of water.
Canada - At least seven people died as a result of E. coli bacteria in Walkerton, Ontario, after water testing had been privatized by A&L Labs. The company treated the test results as "confidential intellectual property" and did not make them public.
Morocco - Consumers saw the price of water increase threefold after the water service was privatized in Casablanca.
Argentina - When a Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux subsidiary purchased the state-run water company Obras Sanitarias de la Nacion, water rates doubled but water quality deteriorated. The company was forced to leave the country when residents refused to pay their bills.
Britain - Water and sewage bills increased 67 percent between 1989 and 1995. The rate at which people's services were disconnected rose by 177 percent.
New Zealand - Citizens took to the streets to protest the commercialization of water.
South Africa - Water became inaccessible, unaffordable, and unsafe after the water supply was privatized by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux in Johannesburg. Cholera infections became widespread and thousands of people were disconnected from their supply of water.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Merck. A Global healthcare leader working to help the world die.
Merck is an out-of-control corporation that's destroying lives and obliterating any remaining credibility of the pharmaceutical industry. One day, when the truth finally emerges about the totality of Merck's crimes against the People and the depth of its willful deception, the public will be stunned, frozen in a state of disbelief that they could have tolerated such heinous crimes right under their noses. They will think the same thoughts of Nazi supporters seeing Hitler's concentration camps for the first time...
It's time to start making arrests. Too many lives have been lost already, and the extreme fraud being routinely exhibited by Merck should not go unpunished. It's time to finally protect the public from Big Pharma.
Please sign the Petition at:
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
"Silent Spring"
"Under primitive agricultural conditions the farmer had few insect problems. These arose with the intensification of agriculture - the devotion of immense acreages to a single crop. Such a system set the stage for explosive increases in specific insect populations. Single-crop farming does not take advantage of the principles by which nature works... Nature has intruduced great variety into the landscape, but man has displayed a passion for simplifying it. Thus he undoes the built-in checks and balances by which nature holds the species within bounds...Have we fallen into a mesmerized state that makes us accept as inevitable that which is inferior or detrimental, as though having lost the will or the vision to demand that which is good?" We live in an era "dominated by industry, in which the right to make a dollar at whatever cost is seldom challeged. When the public protests, confronted with some obvious evidence of damaging results of pesticide applications, it is fed little tranquilizing pills of half truth. We urgently need an end to these false assurances, to the sugar coating of unpalatable facts. It is the public that is being asked to assume the risks that the insect controllers calculate. The public must decide wheather it wishes to continue on the present road, and it can do so only when in full possession of the facts. In the words of Jean Rostand, "The obligation to endure gives us the right to know.""
Monday, November 5, 2012
Life, on Earth, as I know it:
explore animals.
Animals suffer.
Animals go
Humans explore
Some Humans
Some gain
creates diseases.
Death grows.
Humans go
The animals
may go first,
But we won´t
be too far behind them in this ending road.
If we can´t
let other species live.
Our species
is not fit to live.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
"How do you stop Fascism? With a revolution, of course. And a peaceful one would be far preferable."
"When corporations become so powerful that they practically run the government — as they do now — the correct descriptive term for that arrangement is Fascism."
"The revolution we need is a revolution against the corporation
As we see our present-day society being utterly destroyed by corporations — banking, agriculture, pharmaceutical, etc. — we must get serious about what needs to happen to change the structure of corporations so that they serve humanity rather than destroying humanity.
Here are some suggestions worth considering:
#1) Strip away corporate personhood protections.
#2) Deny all patents on seeds, genes and medicines. Such things should belong to everyone, not to a monopolistic few. This would also take the profit out of medicine, meaning drug companies would no longer have a financial incentive to fabricate and promote fictitious diseases.
#3) Ban all corporate lobbying and campaign contributions. No corporation should have access to lawmakers, period. Lawmakers should serve the people who elected them and no one else.
#4) Disband all corporations that currently function as a danger to humanity. This would include, of course, Monsanto, Merck and many others. Who decides this? Whoever wins the revolution, of course. (Isn’t that always the case?)
#5) Nationalize the Federal Reserve and make it “America’s bank” so that Fed money is owned by the People and benefits the People instead of globalist banks.
#6) Halt the “revolving door” where government regulators take high-paying jobs at the very corporations they’ve been regulating. Once a person works in an influential position for a government regulator, they should be forever restricted from working for the industry they once regulated.
#7) End “Free Speech rights” for corporations. Corporations are not people. They have no God-given rights. By ending this fabricated “right,” we could institute strict advertising limits that would prevent corporations from advertising harmful products to children and adults.
Stop supporting evil
The ultimate solution, of course, is a consumer solution: Stop purchasing products from evil corporations! This means you need to stop buying non-organic corn products such as breakfast cereals, corn tortillas, and corn snack chips.
Stop buying lawn pesticide chemicals. Stop buying medications. Stop buying toxic perfumes, cosmetics and personal care products. Stop buying soda pop and aspartame!
YOU help shift the world in a more positive direction by shifting your own personal purchasing habits. And that’s something you can control right now, today, starting with the very next dollar you spend at the store.
BUY ORGANIC, non-GMO products wherever possible. You’ll be changing the world one purchase at a time. That’s a genuine, practical way to diminish the power of evil corporations starting right now."
In: http://www.infowars.com/the-evil-of-monsanto-and-gmos-explained-bad-technology-endless-greed-and-the-destruction-of-humanity/
"The revolution we need is a revolution against the corporation
As we see our present-day society being utterly destroyed by corporations — banking, agriculture, pharmaceutical, etc. — we must get serious about what needs to happen to change the structure of corporations so that they serve humanity rather than destroying humanity.
Here are some suggestions worth considering:
#1) Strip away corporate personhood protections.
#2) Deny all patents on seeds, genes and medicines. Such things should belong to everyone, not to a monopolistic few. This would also take the profit out of medicine, meaning drug companies would no longer have a financial incentive to fabricate and promote fictitious diseases.
#3) Ban all corporate lobbying and campaign contributions. No corporation should have access to lawmakers, period. Lawmakers should serve the people who elected them and no one else.
#4) Disband all corporations that currently function as a danger to humanity. This would include, of course, Monsanto, Merck and many others. Who decides this? Whoever wins the revolution, of course. (Isn’t that always the case?)
#5) Nationalize the Federal Reserve and make it “America’s bank” so that Fed money is owned by the People and benefits the People instead of globalist banks.
#6) Halt the “revolving door” where government regulators take high-paying jobs at the very corporations they’ve been regulating. Once a person works in an influential position for a government regulator, they should be forever restricted from working for the industry they once regulated.
#7) End “Free Speech rights” for corporations. Corporations are not people. They have no God-given rights. By ending this fabricated “right,” we could institute strict advertising limits that would prevent corporations from advertising harmful products to children and adults.
Stop supporting evil
The ultimate solution, of course, is a consumer solution: Stop purchasing products from evil corporations! This means you need to stop buying non-organic corn products such as breakfast cereals, corn tortillas, and corn snack chips.
Stop buying lawn pesticide chemicals. Stop buying medications. Stop buying toxic perfumes, cosmetics and personal care products. Stop buying soda pop and aspartame!
YOU help shift the world in a more positive direction by shifting your own personal purchasing habits. And that’s something you can control right now, today, starting with the very next dollar you spend at the store.
BUY ORGANIC, non-GMO products wherever possible. You’ll be changing the world one purchase at a time. That’s a genuine, practical way to diminish the power of evil corporations starting right now."
In: http://www.infowars.com/the-evil-of-monsanto-and-gmos-explained-bad-technology-endless-greed-and-the-destruction-of-humanity/
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Votos Brancos: 3º em S. Miguel e 4º Regional.. We´re getting there!
Assembleia Legislativa Regional > 2012 - domingo, 14 de Outubro de 201
Região: Açores
São Miguel (Região Autónoma dos Açores)
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Ah yes... after some TV and messaging, Nikita finally crashes on her favourite corner of the sofá... ;P
Dune, like his owner, Ricardo, enjoyes the MBUK magazine and after a loong read..curles up to sleep
Ahhh... Mimosa and her Puff.. a perfect fit, an enjoyable nap. :)
Long Weekend Cooking!
Meat & Mushroom Quiche!
Fried Onion Rings!
Mini Meat Patty´s!
And for desert:
Condensed Milk Cupcakes with chocolate frosting and roasted chopped peanuts! YUM! :)
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Oh Yeeaaah..!!! :)
Picture I took of my hubby starting at one of the trails in Sao Miguel Island! Lagoa do Fogo!
(Proud wife)
Mountain bikes rule! Cars drool! :P hehe..
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Let the People of the Azores decide! NOT the Politicians!
I never "cared" for politicians, and now, after all that´s been "revealed" in Europe, I begin to realize more and more how they just have too much control on decisions that are too important for just them to decide and not us, the people. They have NOT been doing a good job at deciding for us. I think it´s time now for the people to decide on every single new policy and correct the flaws of the old policies.
We have to make our world evolve in a fair way to ALL its citizens.
We don´t need a "face" to represent us (and spend most of their time bickering with the other "face" of the opposition), we need ALL the people to create or change ALL the decisions each union, country or region has to make.
"Collective knowlegde is the new politics."
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Two young mommy´s!
These amazing sisters are binding soo well with the little ones! Unfortunately Mimosa was a bit anemic and her 4 premature babies died despite all of our efforts during labour, they were just too little unfortunately. :( Mimosa is helping out her sister Pantera with hers now, as there are only 2 now after this wild cat stole the other 2 in their first week, stupid cat.. I learnt they do that, like lions as well, so they won´t have competition from the newborn later and also the females get in "heat" faster when they don´t have the baby cats to take care of. :( So I have them now in a bird cage outside the door, because Pantera is the wildest one that gets panicky inside the house, at night I close it so no more abductions occur.. :/ These last few nights I´ve been closing them in our Wc because of the rainy and windy weather that can reach inside the porch. They do pretty well there at night, open to eat and drink and warmer for the little, fluffy and adorable kitties! Arent´t they? A girl and a boy! They are just starting to open their eyes! :)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Pantera had her kittens!
4 adorable little ones! 3 female and a male (the one with the white paws and a white star on his head!) More pictures coming as soon as they open their eyes! :)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Pensamentos Presentes
Numa ilha, numa terra, onde o
passado ainda é, o tempo incerto transforma a vida a cada instante.
Sobrevivência do ser é
batalhada e remodelada.
Tentando progredir, redigindo
novos caminhos a enfrentar.
Imaginando fronteiras
longínquas em que tudo no tempo muda, outros universos constantes, o além.
A presença do intuito a
seguir em frente numa direcção familiar, confortante e preferencial.
Mas onde estamos? Aonde
Deixa-se marcas na linha da
história contínua.
Uma história.
Várias histórias.
Capta-se os momentos mais
marcantes, esquece-se muitos outros, criam-se mais.
É uma história dita e por
vezes escrita.
Espera-se para ver e saber o
que vem.
O ritmo do percurso baseia-se
no estado do ser.
Fechadas na mente, trabalham
as ideias reais e desejadas.
Onde nos leva, a ritmos
diferenciados, estas acções?
Fica-se? Vai-se? Porquê?
São os pensamentos de um ser.
Experiências marcadas por
emoções variadas.
A continuação do percurso a
ser realizado.
É aqui que estamos, é aqui?
Ficções realistas.
Algo único sempre prestes a
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
"The Sun Also Rises"
And the Animals do too!
Farrusco on the grass.
Teco, such a charmer.
Awe.. feeling the Love.
Happy, adorable, fluffy, lovable Kika!
A new addition...
We have a new pair of geese already lurking about the coop!
We named them Gwen, after the mother goose from the movie "Charlottes Web", and Blue, because of his very blue eyes!!
Very beautiful creatures!
Hopefully they´ll have some goslings this Spring!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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