Sunday, June 3, 2012

Past & Future

Direct Democracy Video

Let the People of the Azores decide! NOT the Politicians!

I never "cared" for politicians, and now, after all that´s been "revealed" in Europe, I begin to realize more and more how they just have too much control on decisions that are too important for just them to decide and not us, the people. They have NOT been doing a good job at deciding for us. I think it´s time now for the people to decide on every single new policy and correct the flaws of the old policies.
We have to make our world evolve in a fair way to ALL its citizens.
We don´t need a "face" to represent us (and spend most of their time bickering with the other "face" of the opposition), we need ALL the people to create or change ALL the decisions each union, country or region has to make.
"Collective knowlegde is the new politics."